Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Jia You" Adrian

My wife wants me to write an entry in this blog. Well... I really don't like blogging, needing to crack my head to write. It usually takes me quite a loooooong time to get just one sentence right, what more a whole blog entry. The normal process I always go through: Type... backspace.... re-type... backspace again... type once more... think.... backspace... type... it goes on and on until it sounds good. You can imagine how long I need to spend preparing sermons, typing reports... Wen Dee definitely knows what I mean haha...

Okay, coming back to my 1st blog here, I want to write about my brother. He is flying to China as I’m typing now. He’ll be studying and doing a 6-month internship with Motorola in Tianjin. I didn’t get to send him off, as he is flying from Singapore. Dad, mom and Nizz did, am wondering if they cried during farewell hehe...

I call my brother by his name, Adrian, he calls me “Gor”. I think I was influenced by grandma and aunties who stayed with us during our childhood days, all of them called him “Adrian”. We fought alot when we were kids; I like to snatched things from him, he cried and grandma would saying him, in other words, I like bullying him at that time haha...

We started talking less, seldom mix around when I advanced into Form 1, probably I thought I was mature already and didn’t want to be childish like him. Our relationship became colder when I got into Form 4, where I was no longer staying with him at grandma’s house, me in PJ and him in KL. We would just call each other “Gor”... “Adrian”... and there we go into our own room, doing our own things, no more exchanging words after that. It lasted for quite some time, around 4+ years until I realised the importance of the family; I envied the closeness of other brothers and wanted a change for better; it was until I know God.

Because of not talking for a long time, I became shy. I forced myself to start the conversation first, buying gifts on his birthdays, chit-chat during holidays with parents... it got better and better, praise God for that! Adrian is smart and hardworking in studies, alot better than me, he got a scholarship to study E&E in NTU, Singapore. Although we don’t meet often, we know we care for one another. And now he’ll be away to Tianjin for 6 months straight, I miss him.

Praying for him to excel in his studies and work over there, get good and friendly housemates, stay healthy, and a lasting relationship with Nizz. “Jia you” Adrian!

PS: Blogging is good because I can share things I couldn’t express in words =)

1 comment:

  1. you finally did, bravo!:D
    i m thinking will u secretly cry too if u r in the air-port.. :p
    strangely, I start to miss him too, and also Nizz...
    Jia You Adrian & Nizz
