(An extract from Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=10435&post=46437&uid=68390337761#/topic.php?uid=68390337761&topic=10435)
Pst Kong preached a message from the story we're all familiar, David's battle against the Philistine giant - Goliath (1 Sam 17). Goliath, a giant, a champion warrior, the best of the best among the Philistine army, dressed with full armor, shield and a javelin; who was his opponent? David, a shepherd boy with just stones and a sling as his weapon. That may be his natural/physical weapon, but what caused David defeating the giant were his heavenly weapons.
The 5 stones that David used (v40), signifies these heavenly weapons:
- David REMEMBERED how GOD has been using him in the past, how GOD brought him victories after victories, and how GOD will continue to lead him to another victory!
- GOD uses our background to pour courage into our lives.
- A good memory will bring out a HERO out of you.
- David spent time praying.
- Pray, pray, pray, pray, PRAY! Pray for GOD's strength and power to be available in our lives, in everywhere we go, in everything we do.
- GOD was David's highest priority in his life.
- What is GOD's priority in your life? Where does He stand? No.1? No.2? No.3? Or it changes all the time?
- GOD's position in your life will be tested again, again and again. Do you still stand firm on your priority that GOD is no.1?
- David was running towards Goliath. That shows anticipation, that shows PASSION!
- GOD always invest into the passionate.
- It is easy to be on fire for GOD after a conference, for a day, for a week, for a month. But we got to stay passionate for GOD FOR LIFE.
- There were actually somemore Philistine giants after David defeated Goliath. David wasn't complacent, he went on to destroy the enemies (2 Sam 21).
- Sometimes one time is not enough... fast once, reading the Bible once, one prayer is not enough. We got to stand up from failure and fight on again, again and again!
- Just like how the spectators are cheering Rocky to get up after a tough boxing match in the movie "Rocky 2", the Heavens are cheering for you to get up and fight on!
All 5 points spoke to my heart! In many areas of my life, in my ministry leading CG, in my work place as an employee, in my relationship with Chia Huey, parents, bro, in-laws, friends and with GOD. I'm reminded again to remember the past victories GOD has led me to and all the good things that I experienced.
I'm reminded again to stay prayerful on the things I desire, salvation of my dad, mom, bro and bro's GF. Sometimes one prayer is just not enough. The process of wait is tiring, but I got to be persistent to pray, persistent to fight for what I believe in.
I'm reminded again to realise that GOD's position in my life will be tested again and again. No matter what happens, good times, bad times, very bad times, GOD is still no.1.
I'm reminded again to inject passion in everything I do during this process, work with passion, serve with passion, lead with passion, pray with passion, love with passion... and be passionate for GOD for life!
Hope this will bless you. All in all, nothing beats the tangible presence of GOD in the servicel. So come early, come expectant! =)